I designed these feet to protect a wooden floor from the metal-pipe legs of a couple of chairs. With the exact angle of the legs, the base of the feet is flat on the floor, reducing the risk of damaging the floor.
Look into the catalogue PDF for all dimensions shown in this drawing.
The part number and file name have the following format:
LR2250-<angle>-D<leg diameter>.3mf
Angle (A)
This is the angle of the leg in degrees. The angle of 90º means a completely straight leg.
Leg Diameter (D)
The nominal diameter of the chair leg. There is no tolerance, so the four fins clamp slightly to the pipe of the leg.
Total Height (H)
This is the total height of the part, depending on the leg diameter. See the catalogue for the exact height for each diameter.
Foot Diameter (FD)
The diameter of the foot platform. Its value depends on the leg diameter. See the catalogue for the exact diameter.
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